Udaipur : The ACB team on Tuesday arrested a lower division clerk posted at Salumber panchayat samiti of Udaipur district for accepting a bribe of eight thousand rupees. Mahendra Kumar Sharma, the clerk had demanded bribe against releasing payment of the complainant Ganesh Lal Meena who was enrolled under the MNREGA roll.
Meena complained to the ACB that in July he and his wife had received a payment of 10 thousand 560 rupees in their bank accounts. The accused clerk had demanded 9 thousand rupees bribe from Meena against getting them sanction of house construction under the Indira Awas scheme.
The ACB team verified the complaint when the complainant bargained and settled the bribe amount at 8 thousand rupees. The clerk received the bribe at gram panchayat Kaant where the ACB team was already waiting and was arrested red handed.