Speaking at the Global Investors’ meet – ‘Rising Himachal’ in Dharmashala in Himachal Pradesh, Prime Minister said, the growth vehicle in India is running on four wheels with new thinking and a new approach. He said One Wheel is Society, which is aspiring, one Wheel is Government, which is Encouraging for New India, One Wheel is Industry, which is Daring, and one Wheel is Knowledge, which is Sharing.
Prime Minister said, earlier, investors’ summit like these used to happen in just a few cities in the country but now the situation has changed today. He said, now the states are competing with each other to woo the investment. During the last few years, the state governments have started focusing on providing better facilities to the investors. He said that single window clearance has given benefits to investors. Prime Minister said red-tapism hampers the growth and a well-equipped ecosystem is integral for any investor today. He expressed happiness that the Himachal Pradesh government is also working with this thinking.
Prime minister said on Wednesday, another major decision has been taken keeping in mind the middle class of the country which will help to fulfil the dreams of more than four and a half lakh families, their home and dreams. Representatives and heads of big industrial houses of the country also threw light on the proposals and plans on investment in Himachal Pradesh. Prime Minister Narender Modi also visited the exhibition depicted on various sectors of development projects running in the state. On this occasion, a short film prepared on the possibility of investment in Himachal and its environment was screened. During the two-day global investors meet eight sectoral sessions would be held besides business to government meetings with entrepreneurs.
Around 1700 investors including 200 foreign investors and Ambassadors of 11 countries are participating in this mega event. As many as 125 liaison officers have been deputed for the visiting foreign delegates and other VVIPS. On the other hand, surpassing the earlier target of 85000 crore rupees of MoUs fixed by the state government, an MoU worth rupees 93000 crores have been signed between the state government and the investors.