Prime Minister Narandra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated the 5th edition of India International Science Festival (IISF) 2019 through video conferencing in Kolkata.
The four-day science festival, being organized from November 5-8 , aims to build a strategy for inclusive advancement of Science and Technology.
Highlighting India’s contribution in the field of Science and technology, Prime Minister said that unprecedented work is being done for higher education and innovation.
Prime Minister urged the scientists to be far more proactive in recognizing and responding to their broader social responsibilities with an aim to improve the quality of life of under-served communities.
Prime Minister said that the Govt is providing institutional support for both invention and innovation with an aim to make eco-system for science & technology very strong.
PM said that India has jumped from 81st rank to 52nd rank on the Global Innovation Index by initiatives taken by the govt. While, India has emerged 3rd largest ecosystems for successful startups.
He said that more than 5,000 Atal Tinkering Labs have been set up and over 200 Atal Incubation Centres have been created, with an aim to instil scientific temper among the masses.
The India International Science Festival (IISF) was launched in 2015 to promote Science and Technology. The goal of the Science festivity is to help youth, develop 21st century skills, with a focus on scientific knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.
The previous editions of IISF had been a great success. The first and second chapters were held in New Delhi. The third edition of IISF 2017 was held in Chennai. The fourth edition of IISF was held in Lucknow. The Theme for this year’s festival is “RISEN India – Research, Innovation, and Science Empowering the Nation.
The Fifth edition of India International Science Festival is expected to host a gathering of about 12,000 participants from India and abroad. The festival will host more than 28 different events during this period.