5 planets will align in the night sky on March 28

New Delhi : Very interesting events are happening in the sky these days for the people interested in astronomy. In this order, on Tuesday, March 28, a panchayat of five planets is going to take place in the sky in the evening. During this, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Uranus will be seen meeting each other and Earth’s satellite Moon will witness this event.

Regarding the panchayat of planets going to be held in the sky, Bhopal’s National Award-winning science broadcaster Sarika Gharu said on Monday that immediately after sunset on March 28, apart from Mercury, Guru, Venus and Mars, Uranus will appear in the sky with a small angle of about 50 degrees. There will be a meeting ceremony at the venue. During this, the moon will also be present near Mars in the sky to support them. Four of these five planets can be seen without a telescope.

Sarika told that in astronomy it is called Planetary Alignment. Of these, Mercury (Mercury) can be seen for a while, because it is very close to the Sun. After this Jupiter will also set. Brightly shining Venus (Venus) will be seen above them. Above it will be the red planet Mars, which will be supported by the Moon. These planets can be seen only with the naked eye without the help of any instrument, but there will be Uranus between Mars and Venus, which can be seen only with the help of a telescope.

Sarika said that this phenomenon of planetary alignment occurs almost every two years, but in these, the angular distance between the planets is more. It is exaggerated and presented on social media. After this, if you want to see the conjunction of planets very closely with the naked eye, then you will have to wait for September 8, 2040, when Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will be seen together in a celestial space of only 9 degrees. .

Sarika said that even though these planets will be seen meeting each other from the Earth, they will be millions and millions of kilometres away from each other. At the time of their meeting on Tuesday, the distance and brightness between them will be as follows.

Planet – Magnitude – Constellation – Distance from Earth

Jupiter – minus 2.1 – Pisces constellation – 88 crores 70 lakh km

Mercury – minus 1.3 – Pisces constellation – 180 million 29 million km

Venus – minus 4.0 – Aries constellation – 181.5 million km

Uranus – plus 5.8 – Aries constellation – 305 million 5 million km

Mars – plus 0.9 – Gemini constellation – 21 crore 23 lakh km