PM Modi to interact with fitness influencers & citizens to celebrate first anniversary of ‘Fit India Movement’ tomorrow

In a unique initiative, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with fitness influencers and citizens during a nation-wide online Fit India Dialogue to celebrate the first anniversary of the Fit India Movement on Thursday. The online interaction will see participants sharing anecdotes and tips of their own fitness journey while drawing out guidance from the … Read more

RS passes Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2020

 The FCRA regulates the acceptance and utilization of foreign funds by individuals, associations and companies among other provisions, the bill proposes to enable the Centre to allow an NGO or association to surrender its FCRA certificate. It also proposes that not more than 20 per cent of the total foreign funds received can be spent … Read more

US President Donald Trump blasts China over COVID-19 at UNGA

U.S. President Donald Trump told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that it “must hold China accountable for their actions” related to the COVID-19 pandemic, demanding that the United Nations must hold Beijing accountable for failing to contain the coronavirus that has killed nearly one million people across the world, including 2 lakh Americans. … Read more

India’s war against COVID continues; testing capacity surges to over 12 lakh daily tests

 India has the highest recovered cases in the world. It contributes 19.5% to the global recoveries as India records more recoveries than the new cases, many States/UTs follow the suit17 States/UTs have more new recoveries than new cases.  75% of the new recovered cases are being reported from ten States/UTs, viz. Maharashtra, Karnataka , Andhra … Read more