Chennai, Mar 19 : Tamil Nadu Agriculture Minister MRK Panneerselvam today announced that a scheme comprising new digital technologies will be implemented at a cost of Rs.8 crore with on and State Government fund. Presenting the second Agriculture budget in the State Assembly, he said the Agriculture and Farmers‟ Welfare Department has designed a Scheme on digital agriculture. All technologies from seed to yield can be obtained electronically through Uzhavan Mobile Application. All the technologies will be comm cated electronically to the farmers from sowing to harvest and marketing of the produce field-wise for getting higher income. Individual Farm based Crop Plan, survey numbers and sub divisions of all villages will be geo-tagged, which will be super imposed with details of land owner‟s basic information, soil health and cultivated crops. He said the seven Agro-climatic zones are divided into 1,330 Micro Agro- climatic zones to formulate new profitable crop plan to farmers based on factors of production. Artificial Intelligence Technology will be applied to monitor the Pest and Disease infestation in crops and instantaneous management measures will be delivered to farmers through SMS advisories in co-ordination with Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency and Tamil Nadu Agricultural versity. In co-ordination with Tamil Nadu Agricultural versity and Tamil Nadu Drone Corporation, farmers will be imparted with training and demonstration in seven Farmers Training Centres (FTC) for the usage of drones in pesticide spray and survey of crop growth stages. The new digital Technology “Internet of Things” (IoT) will be adopted in State Seed Farms and State Horticultural Farms for automated irrigation and fertigation, for offering training to farmers on this new technology. “To fulfill the vision of Perarignar Anna to enlighten the souls of farmers, an exclusive portal called “Tamil Mann Valam” will be launched in co-ordination with the Tamil Nadu Agricultural versity in which the farmers can get the soil fertility status of their lands – survey number wise and they can print the soil health cards by themselves. Recommendations based on soil fertility will be prescribed for cultivation of Agricultural, Horticultural crops and Agro- forestry trees”, Pannerselvam said. The Minister said Remote Sensing technology will be used to assess cropped area and yield, through which we can forecast the price by Agricultural Marketing Intelligence Cell for helping the farmers to get fair price for their produces. To ensure transparency in the selection of beneficiary under various schemes implemented by the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department, efforts will be taken to register all beneficiaries gradually. He also said facilities will be made for online advance booking of seeds, planting materials, fruit plants and coconut seedlings, so that planting is taken up in the right cropping season itself. The Agricultural labourers can register their details such as District, Block, Village directly in the Mobile Application, which will serve as a platform to provide employment to skilled Agricultural labourers and also serve the farmers to undertake agricultural activities at appropriate time. As part of Cashless Transaction in Agricultural Extension Centres, he said the farmers will be provided with facilities for paying the farmer contribution through e-Challan, Credit Card, Debit Card, fied Payments Interface (UPI) for purchase of agricultural inputs. This cashless transaction will be adopted on pilot basis in one block in each District. “I proudly inform all members of this Assembly that the scheme comprising new digital technologies will be implemented at a cost of Rs.8 crore with on and State Government fund”, the Minister said. GV 1415